While misinformation and fake news have always existed, they were mainly based on word of mouth until only a few years ago; today, they are proliferating through the web to an alarming extent. Correct medical information can be life-saving: learning how to recognize a disease’s symptoms may allow early diagnosis – an essential aspect, especially when tumors are concerned. It is also important to know as much as possible about one’s own diseases, the best treatment strategies available and the most experienced health centers. While it is now a fact that everybody searches the internet to find information on any topic, it is important that people learn how to use the web correctly and that both the media and the Institutions help them distinguish between correct and reliable information and fake news.
News are reported every day that focus the public spotlight on important issues such as the role of medical and scientific information. One example is the news that the US Food and Drug Administration posted warning letters addressed to 14 companies selling anticancer “miracle remedies” on the website. Douglas W. Stearn, director of the FDA’s Office of Enforcement and Import Operations, was very clear on this point: ”We encourage people to remain vigilant and avoid purchasing any anticancer product that has not been officially approved by the scientific community”. The Food and Drug Administration also published an updated list of products identified as health fraud, and invited health professionals and patients to read such list with the utmost care.
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